Accelerating App Delivery With CTG's
FoundationOneTM Platform Engineering

Platform Engineering at the Speed of Business

Digital transformation is here to stay. If you’re not moving to the cloud or planning to upgrade your legacy applications, you may soon find your business at a competitive disadvantage and failing to keep pace with today's increasingly accelerated marketplace.

As your enterprise continues to scale and grow digital technologies, you will likely face common challenges that impede success including:

  • Scaling to accommodate multiple locations, system implementations or versions, and higher volumes of transactions and users.
  • Enhancing software developers' workflows and reducing the cognitive load to improve developer productivity within platform engineering teams.
  • Tailoring systems or developing custom applications to optimize business processes and operational performance.
  • Ensuring workload mobility for high availability or offline/disconnected operability and reducing system downtime for highly transactional systems during upgrades.
  • Providing data integration across systems and applications to enable better-informed, role-based decision making that drives greater business agility and resilience.

CTG's platform engineering solution, FoundationOne™, addresses these challenges. Early adopters of platform engineering solutions are experiencing:

  • 30-50% reduction in migration/development time1
  • Up to 60% decrease in time to value1
  • 40% or more savings on technology spending1

What Is Platform Engineering?

"Platform engineering is an emerging technology approach that can accelerate the delivery of applications and the pace at which they produce business value.

Platform engineering improves developer experience and productivity by providing
self-service capabilities with automated infrastructure operations."


Accelerate Your Journey to Business Modernization

FoundationOne™ is CTG's proprietary and proven platform engineering framework and methodology that enables technology modernization, integration, and migration for our clients on even the most demanding, high-stakes, high-transaction digital transformation projects.

Our FoundationOne™ platform engineering framework empowers organizations to accelerate digital transformation and achieve key business and technology benefits by enabling faster, more secure, and more cost-effective migration of business-critical software to the cloud—at scale.

  • Gear Computer

    Easily Modernize Legacy Applications

    Streamline the migration of legacy applications through microservices functionality that integrates legacy apps into best-of-breed cloud-native architectures.

  • Lightning Bolt

    Innovate Faster

    Transition seamlessly to a more iterative and flexible DevSecOps software approach using microservices to rapidly introduce new customer experiences, products, and features.

  • Efficiency

    Improve IT Operations

    Improve software quality and performance and accelerate development with DevSecOps “in a box,” including built-in automation.

  • Connection

    Achieve Portability

    Avoid vendor lock-in with the ability to deploy in in any private, public, or hybrid cloud environment, or on premise.

  • Database

    Enforce Data Consolidation

    Integrate data from multiple disparate systems, sites, and tenants to create a single source of truth that enables intelligent business decisions based on data-driven insights.

  • Advantage/Strategy

    Increase Business Resiliency

    Future-proofing the business is more vital than ever in our dynamic global economy. FoundationOne™'s business-level architecture enables greater business efficiency and agility even during periods of disruption.

  • Settings 2

    Customize Based on Industry

    Start with our industry-agnostic platform base, then add custom features and capabilities to address your industry’s most pressing challenges.

Delivering DevSecOps as a Service

Through our FoundationOne™ framework, CTG allows enterprises to shift to a modern and agile DevSecOps culture without making all the internal investments needed to get there.

We address the key software infrastructure and data management challenges that come with digital transformation by leveraging all the tools necessary to build, test, deploy, manage, and modernize applications for the cloud. We create a consistent management environment for hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, on-premise, and edge-architecture with hardware provisioning.

CTG's proprietary FoundationOne™ solution leverages three core components:

  • Checkmark


    Leading tools and agile methodologies for rapid development and migration of legacy applications to a cloud-enabled microservices implementation

  • Checkmark

    Runtime Systems

    Designed for enterprise-level implementations at regional, national, or international levels

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    Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using native cloud techniques

What are Microservices?

Microservices are a software architecture approach that breaks down an application into a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled services that are developed, deployed, and scaled independently.

Each microservice is responsible for a specific function and communicates with other services through a software architecture pattern.

Future Value powered by platform engineering
  • Implementing data provisioning so that data can be leveraged (data fabric, data marts, analytics, AI, ML, dashboards, master data).

  • Ongoing support and maintenance for applications/microservices developed using FoundationOne™.

  • Ongoing consulting, deployments, and management.

  • Services related to quality assurance of applications, services, and underlying components; includes manual and automated testing.

  • Process automation development for a variety of purposes including microservices, data integration, system integration, and operations.

Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with PLATFORM ENGINEERING

As platform engineering emerges as the newest and most effective approach for accelerating digital transformation, CTG applies its proprietary and proven FoundationOne™ framework and methodology to help reduce complexity, quickly achieve migration/development, and, ultimately, stay ahead of the competition.

Using FoundationOne™ allows you to drive faster software modernization, development, testing, and deployment, and easier cloud server configuration and infrastructure management while ensuring digital experiences remain highly available and secure.

The result? Accelerated speed, impact, and ROI of digital transformation for businesses and minimization of the technology investments and skills required to support today’s and tomorrow’s complex digital initiatives.

Contact us today

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is platform engineering?

    Platform engineering helps software developers create and launch programs quickly by improving the tools and services they use. It focuses on automating operations and providing self-service capabilities to improve efficiency and productivity.

  • How does FoundationOne™ benefit software developers?

    FoundationOne™ streamlines the software development process by integrating cutting-edge microservices and DevSecOps practices. It provides developers with a robust set of tools and golden path best practices. As a result, it reduces the cognitive load, enabling more focus on creating innovative solutions.

  • What are the key components of a successful platform engineering strategy?

    A successful platform engineering strategy involves:

    • Scalability: Ensuring the platform can grow with the business needs.
    • Security: Incorporating strong security measures to protect data and operations.
    • Developer Experience: Enhancing productivity through tools that automate routine tasks and simplify complex processes.
    • Adaptability: Allowing quick adjustments to technology and business shifts through agile practices.
  • How does cloud-native infrastructure factor into platform engineering?

    Cloud-native architecture is central to modern platform engineering because it promotes scalability, resilience, and flexibility. It involves using containerization, microservices, and dynamic orchestration to ensure applications are robust, portable, and operable across different computing environments.

  • Can platform engineering reduce time to market for new software features?

    Platform engineering can expedite the product launch process by automating various aspects of the software development process.. This includes coding, testing, deployment, and scaling. Achieve efficiency by removing bottlenecks in the development process and enabling continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD).

  • What does "golden path" mean in the context of platform engineering?

    In platform engineering, the "golden path" consists of recommended tools, practices, and patterns. These optimized elements help developers to achieve good results with less effort. It guides developers towards the most effective and efficient ways to build software within the organization.

  • How does FoundationOne™ ensure application security?

    FoundationOne™ incorporates security at every stage of the development lifecycle through its DevSecOps approach. It includes security measures from the beginning. All the while, it maintains rigorous standards for compliance and data protection throughout the application's lifecycle.

1Based on expected results

2Source: Gartner®, "What Is Platform Engineering?," 5 October 2022. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

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