Name: Robin C.
Company Title: Engagement Manager for Diversified Industrials
Years at CTG: 16
Hometown: I was born in New York, but have lived in the South ever since
Current City: San Antonio, TX
Favorite Song Right Now: I would never be able to pick a favorite as I love all types of music. It really depends on what I’m doing or working on.
Favorite thing to do outside of work: Outside of getting together with friends and family, photography is my absolute passion. On any given weekend, I’m typically out with my camera and enjoying nature or spending time at a friend’s ranch feeding the camels and zebras. During the past year as we’ve been in COVID-19 lockdown, I taught myself how to do acrylic pours on canvas.
I’m usually up around 6:00 a.m. When the weather is nice, I start by enjoying coffee on the patio and listening to all of the birds waking up and moving around.
I prioritize each day at the end of the previous day so I’m ready to dive in right away. The first task is responding to anything that may have come in overnight, then I move on to the tasks I prioritized until something pops up that changes my plan. I typically block out time on my calendar the night before to work on anything time sensitive requiring immediate response or otherwise.
My afternoons vary depending on what might be going on that day or leftover from the morning. Afternoons, or mornings for that matter, might consist of client calls, interviews, team meetings, one-on-one meetings with staff, or collaboration with one of my teammates. My evenings typically consist of making dinner, working out in the yard, editing photos, painting, or just relaxing in the hot tub.
I am a people person, first and foremost, and the fact that I’m surrounded by such incredible talent every day is simply energizing. Understanding what my clients’ goals are and then helping them to achieve their goals, whether it be one of our solutions or technology or by a simple process change, is fulfilling. I especially enjoy presenting client Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) and having the opportunity to showcase all the accomplishments the team achieved that quarter and metrics we’ve either met or exceeded. I really enjoy one-on-one meetings with my staff and hearing their dreams and aspirations for their professional careers and then helping them achieve their potential.
CTG offers so many amazing opportunities for staff. Utilize our online training portal to enhance your skillset. Be genuine, respectful, and professional in all that you do and make sure that it’s always aligned with CTG’s Core Values.
I’ve learned so much through the years I’ve been with CTG and have had access to some amazing mentors along the way. I would name them all, but the list would be excessive. First and foremost a very intuitive co-worker told me, “Just be YOU” and everything else will fall into place. I’d like to think it has!