Name: Maxine L.
Company Title: Accounts Payable Specialist
Years at CTG: 4.5 years
Hometown: Grew up in Lockport, NY
Current City: Lockport, NY
Favorite Song Right Now: Meg Myer’s cover of “Running Up That Hill,” originally by Kate Bush
Favorite thing to do outside of work: Play Minecraft, watch “Star Trek,” and read.
Every morning starts with my phone telling me the weather forecast for the day at 6:30 a.m. From there, I usually feed the cats, squeeze in a bike ride three times a week, and then get into work by 8:30 a.m.
The first task of my day is a process called Electronic Data Exchange (EDI), which needs to be performed at 9:00 a.m. every day. Next, I read emails, respond to department requests, and—described in a general way—pay the bills at CTG. This is done by a variety of processes depending on the vendor.
After work, I try to get a few chapters of reading in before I start working on dinner, which is usually at 6:00 p.m. My husband and I will watch some TV with dinner, usually “Star Trek,” but it could also be whatever show is in our rotation. Then it’s time for some cleaning up, a walk with my husband, and maybe some more reading before bed.
I love my position with CTG because I feel genuinely respected for what I do and that respect is mutual with my team. CTG has its employees in mind and it shows in every aspect of my career here. I am looking forward to many more years with CTG!