Name: Jolene G.
Company Title: I work on the Information Services (IS) Web Development team as a Corporate Systems Advisor
Years at CTG: 17 years!
Hometown: I grew up in Elbridge, NY, a rural area outside of Syracuse, NY. It is the kind of rural area where every year you have “Bring Your Tractor to School” day.
Current City: Cheektowaga, NY
Favorite Song Right Now: I really enjoy all types of music, but I’m listening to Luke Bryan’s new album at the moment. I’m a country girl at heart.
Favorite thing to do outside of work: I like to read, so curling up with a good book is always a nice way to unwind. In reality though, most of my time is spent doing activities with my family. We love being outdoors.
Life is obviously a bit different in the COVID era. I start my morning in my home office at 7:00 a.m. with a nice big cup of coffee and some music. The first thing I do is check my email to make sure there aren’t any problems that have popped up since I was last online. I take care of any new, critical needs or issues first.
Most of my day is spent working on CTG’s time entry systems. I maintain the existing systems, develop new pieces, create reports, and provide general system support. I also am one of the SharePoint administrators and developers.
A typical evening for me is usually a lot of running around. I am married and have an almost 10-year-old son. He is very active so we are usually running from baseball to karate to Cub Scouts. I have been the Den Leader for my son’s Cub Scout pack for almost five years now, so we usually have something going on or some planning to do. When I do have a little quiet time, I like to read or squeeze in a quick TV show!
One of my favorite things about my position at CTG is the relationships I’ve developed over the last 15 years. The IS team is an amazing, unique group of people. I’ve learned so much from everyone. Since I support systems like time entry and SharePoint, I’ve also had the opportunity to interact with so many different people throughout the company in the U.S. and Europe. I love that I have a position where I can keep learning and growing. Technology is always changing and new needs are always emerging.