Name: Jessica G.
Company Title: Benefits Advisor
Years at CTG: 6 years
Hometown(s): I grew up in New Jersey and Germany. My dad was in the military and we moved a few times.
Current City: Hamburg, NY
Favorite Song Right Now: I listen to everything—no favorites right now.
Favorite thing to do outside of work: Martial arts, kickboxing, snowboarding, hiking, playing board games with friends, and Netflix!
Monday through Friday, I start my morning by waking up at 7:00 a.m. to get myself ready and feed my cats. I have two cats, Spooky and Hermione. My first task of the day is to make coffee! Then I log on to answer emails and check my calendar for meetings. Most of my afternoons consist of webinars, researching laws, and helping employees and managers with questions about CTG benefits.
My evenings are jam-packed with fun! After work, I go to the dojo and teach karate for a few hours for ages 5 and up. After I finish teaching I participate in my own class, whether it is karate, kickboxing, or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Some nights I skip class to go snowboarding now that there is snow in Buffalo! After my activities, I come home to relax, snuggle with my cats, and watch Netflix until bed.
I enjoy being a Benefits Advisor at CTG because I love helping people and finding solutions. Every day is a different day, and everyone at CTG is kind and willing to help one another. I am grateful to work on a supportive and tight-knit team. My career advice is to stay positive, be kind to your colleagues, and persevere. In the world of a pandemic, I think it is important to make connections, maintain relationships, and keep going.
“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” – Maya Angelou