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2021-05-20 00:00:002021-05-20 00:00:00America/Los_AngelesVirtual CTG moveIT: Transformation AcceleratedNowadays, organizations are fully committed to making their digital transformation a success. In this edition of moveIT, we present excellent use cases and customer testimonials that stand out as perfect examples of what this can mean for any organization.Virtual Event
Virtual Event
Nowadays, organizations are fully committed to making their digital transformation a success. They are all rapidly moving ahead and looking for ways to further accelerate and improve their value delivery. CTG’s moveIT seminars have always focused on sharing experiences on how to bring your IT to the next level. Over the years, we have been demonstrating best practices in the new era of IT. This virtual edition certainly is no exception.
In this virtual edition, we present excellent use cases and customer testimonials that stand out as perfect examples of what this can mean for any organization, including yours! We will present five consecutive sessions that you can choose from. You can simply pick one or two, or attend all of them, that’s up to you!
Our Programme
01.00 PM
01.10 PM
Digital Transformation: Buzzwords Or Real Life?
By Jochen Gyssels, CTG, and Andrew Murphy, Nintex
01.45 PM
Transforming the Innovators You Can Count On
By Thomas Moens, Materialise
02.20 PM
Transformation At Speed – A Customer Story
By Kris Knaepen, CTG
02.55 PM
Digital Addictions
By Michaël Pilaeten, CTG
03.30 PM
Paperless 2.0: Increased Operational Efficiency
By Michael De Bode, CTG
04.00 PM
Event closing
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