UK Home Office

CTG has a long and established 18-year history of working in partnership with various UK Home Office programs and the UK law enforcement community.


The UK Home Office looked to CTG to support change management and innovation in one of their programmes through the provision of business and IT specialists for the Home Office Product Development, Business Change, Business Analysis, Compliance and Policy, and Service Management teams. CTG also managed a number of innovation projects and participated in clearly defining prototyping and proof of concept requirements.


CTG specialists work in partnership across multi-organisational and cross-functional teams and many diverse groups, ranging from internal programme teams, third-party delivery partners and vendors, external law enforcement organisations, civil society groups, and other Home Office programme teams, to provide wide-ranging support, including:

  • Leading and setting the vision for Product Development
  • Managing the Policy and Compliance work-stream
  • Defining the programme’s Business Change strategy
  • Producing change deliverables, such as Change Impact Assessment plans
  • Development of the programme’s Service Management Design and Transition plans

Read the Full Case Study Here

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