“Our leadership team continually stresses that we need to become a data-driven organization, but no one seems to know exactly what that means.”
~ Executive Director for Specialty Care Services at a West Coast Hospital
Many organizations have a stated goal to become “data-driven” included in their strategic plans. However, this vision is often not clearly defined, or there is an inherent assumption that the requisite people, process, and technology components have already been established.
CTG defines a data-driven organization as an enterprise that uses dashboard-enabled performance management techniques to improve business insights and information transparency. This requires providing timely access to clean, consistent, reliable, and most importantly, actionable information to the organization's decision-makers. Simply put, data-driven organizations are fully committed to the management of information as an invaluable strategic corporate asset. Actionable information provided to leadership allows the data-driven organization to thrive in an increasingly constrained and competitive fee for value environment. Rather than “driving by looking in the rear view mirror” with stale information, leaders in a data-driven organization can make timely, proactive decisions regarding access to care, costs of care, and quality of care – thus fostering greater stability and growth while better serving their communities.
In our experience, eight people, process, and technology components must be established in order for organizations to become truly data-driven:
In order to assess your organization’s readiness to become a data-driven organization, I encourage you to ask yourself the following 10 questions:
In a continuing four-part blog series, I will be providing additional information about the eight EIM disciplines outlined above, lessons learned over many years of developing and implementing EIM strategies, critical success factors, and specific next steps to become a truly data-driven organization.
Client Solution Architect
John Walton is a CTG Client Solution Architect and consulting professional with more than 35 years of IT experience spanning multiple disciplines and industries. He has more than 20 years of experience leading data warehousing, business intelligence, and data governance engagements. He has extensive experience working with a broad range of healthcare and life sciences organizations including IDNs, national healthcare payers, regional HMOs, a global pharmaceutical company, academic medical centers, community, and pediatric hospitals.
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