The case is strong for advancing a digital transformation strategy now—amid a pandemic—even if that means stepping further away from the status quo.
COVID-19 has transformed life as we know it and shaken the foundations of business around the world. As counterintuitive as it might seem to make big changes now, the unprecedented events of 2020 actually create the perfect conditions to inaugurate a new era of tech-driven business.
Consider that research into the 2008 global financial collapse shows us that digital leaders were more resilient to deep or lasting downturns than their competitors. In one stark comparison, earnings had increased 10% for early tech adopters at the lowest point of the recession in 2009, while others had lost almost 15% of earnings.
Tech vanguards have capabilities their competitors don’t. And for that simple fact, they’re better prepared for disasters and disruptions of all kinds. In empirical and anecdotal terms, the case is strong for advancing a digital transformation strategy now, in the midst of a pandemic, even if that means stepping even further away from the status quo.
Pursue projects that will make your company more resilient throughout this pandemic and far beyond it:
Most business leaders can admit to having some imperfect processes in place. Fixing those processes, however, can seem daunting. Breaking down traditional methods and replacing them with new ones can certainly lead to confusion and business interruption under even normal circumstances. COVID-19, however, provides the perfect cover for scaling back the pace of business in order to rebuild processes from the ground up.
Start by examining any manual workflows you might have in place around information management. Replacing time-consuming and inefficient workflows with robotic process automation (RPA) can make a huge impact. Managing information by hand is slow, expensive, and prone to error. Streamlining this effort through automation ensures that decision makers always have accurate, up-to-date information at their disposal—which couldn’t be more important right now.
At CTG, we provide Information Management Services to various industries such as healthcare, finance, and oil and gas. Our team can identify processes ripe for RPA, then introduce that technology to have the biggest impact with the least interruption, all within the bounds of industry-specific regulations. Afterward, data moves efficiently (yet securely) around an organization to support any decision-making process where it’s relevant.
Now might be the ideal time to experiment with better processes and workflows, but it’s unrealistic for even a modest organization to tinker with each one individually and uncover every opportunity for improvement.
Technology can do that work instead. The potent combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning can virtualize workflows, then run them through thousands of different scenarios to find their perfect form. Years of trial, error, and organic evolution happen in moments and yield the most efficient workflows possible.
CTG has been delivering Automated Testing Services for more than 20 years using a balance of technology, talent, experience, and expertise. We’ve spent decades refining our methods to help clients fine-tune their workflows to further several objectives such as saving time, cutting costs, improving quality/consistency, and boosting client service.
For most companies, cloud computing was optional before the pandemic. With many teams working remotely now and into the foreseeable future, however, the cloud is more or less mandatory. It extends access to data and apps to any location while also helping companies cut IT costs and streamline maintenance. Simply stated, the cloud was made for this moment.
Though the need for cloud computing is urgent, the migration shouldn’t be rushed. Committing to the wrong cloud solutions or hastily moving data from one place to another can have lasting implications for a company, tech-related and otherwise. Above all, cloud migration needs to be effective.
CTG offers several effective Cloud Solutions to enhance productivity and collaboration. In addition to offering cloud-based upgrades to the tools many companies currently rely on, our team also plans and directs a smooth cloud migration process to fit clients’ specific needs. We offer a confident path to the cloud.
If COVID-19 has any silver lining, it’s this: The business benefits of digital transformation are many times greater than they’ve ever been. Investing in tech right now should no longer be seen as a risk. It’s a prudent strategy. CTG can help you maximize the impact of that investment.
Executive Vice President, Americas
In December 2023, Tom Niehaus assumed the role of Executive Vice President (EVP) of the Americas, continuing his tenure from CTG, Inc. before its acquisition by Cegeka. As a crucial member of the Cegeka Executive Leadership Team, Tom plays a pivotal role in steering the company's strategic direction. He returned to CTG in May 2019 as Vice President of Operations, North America, bringing extensive leadership experience and an entrepreneurial spirit that originated from his co-founding of Exemplar Systems in 1993, later acquired by CTG. Beyond contributing to CTG's growth from 1999–2011, Tom served as the Managing Member of TJN Advisory, a private advisory services consulting firm. His leadership journey includes roles as President and COO of Encore Health Resources (2012-2017) and as CEO of Encore until its divestiture to emids, a global healthcare IT provider.
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